Today I went to a very cool workshop on social enterprises, which are revenue generating activities undertaken by non-profit organizations to fund their mission. The workshop took place in the Centre for Social Innovation, which is a large modernized loft-type office space that is dedicated to the mission: "To spark and support new ideas that are tackling the social, environmental, economic and cultural challenges we face today." You can find out more about this innovative project by visiting their website: http://www.socialinnovation.ca/
During the workshop I had the opportunity to look around at the different agencies that are housed in the centre. It is an amazing mosaic of different causes: anti-racism, promotion of the arts, housing for the poor, employment opportunities for the marginalized, just to name a few. The whole idea of the centre is to be a place where the line between the profit seeking world and the non-profit world begins to blur. More and more, that is the paradigm shift that is happening in the non-profit sector.
These are such exciting and challenging times to be involved in the non-profit world. I am frightened out of my mind because I know so little and am so unqualified. But I am learning tons everyday. As I sat in the centre today, in the midst of folks who use their entrepreneurial talents not to maximize profits for its own sake, but to further each of their own sense of mission to build healthier communities and to make the world a better place, I felt as though I have been given a sneak preview of what the Kingdom looks like. More and more, I feel as though the 17 years I spent in Christian ministry was preparation for my "new life". Even though I no longer belong to my "old world", I am seeing the Kingdom at work in places like the centre today. I hope that as I continue down this journey, my mind will continue to be stretched, my sights will continue to be lifted, and I will continue to learn what it means to truly be a part of something greater than myself
"I felt as though I have been given a sneak preview of what the Kingdom looks like."
Alfred, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm genuinely so excited to see what's capturing your heart and soul of late that I felt I had to write something. In my own journey, I resonate so much with you in seeing God's Kingdom at work - especially outside The Church where so many Christians unfortunately overlook.
Miss you man, but keep it up! Really.
-Constable Kong
What's going on in philanthropy right now is really cool to watch.... :-)
Hey, does this mean you get to use your econ background now?
Thanks Konstable Kong for your kind words :-)
Hey Bea, how's it going? :-) well, considering the fact that I cannot even draw a supply/demand graph right now if my life depends on it, there really isn't much econ "background" to draw from :-P
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