When I looked down the list of questions, I came to one that for some reason drew me in. The question was: "What would a reflection of God's smile look like?"
For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes away from the phrase "God's smile". On one hand, it sounded like something so abstract. But as I thought about it, slowly the abstract became concrete. In my mind I saw the smiles of Anna and Taylor. It then occured to me that the one place on earth where I experience what is closest to God's unconditional and undeserved love, and yes, see God's smile is at home. So I grabbed my crayons and paper and produced the above masterpiece :-)
Following the "family worship time", we had the weekly Lord's Supper time. A few "Worship stations" are set up with bread and wine, and members are encouraged to go up and partake the Lord Supper whenever they are ready. So far, I have never taken part in it. After my experience of betrayal and rejection by those whom I trusted the most in my former community, I really was not sure if I ever want to be a part of any Christian community again. But last Sunday, as I sat there looking down at the picture that I had drawn, "seeing" God's smile, for the first time in a long, long time, I felt "safe". Suddenly, at the same time Anna turned to me and asked, "would you like to go and partake the Jesus meal with me?" (That was the first time she's asked me.) I nodded yes, and we went up together. There was no fanfare, everyone was worshipping and reflecting in their own "space". But for the first time in almost 2 years, I took part in that rich, historical, symbolic act of Christian community. Clutching the picture in my hand, it was as if for the first time, I saw God smiling at me. As I quietly took the bread and the wine, the weekly repeated words rang in my ears with renewed meaning: "This is my body, broken, for YOU..."
love the drawing... might not be your top artistic ability tho. reading this was 'good news'... thanks Alf
Love the smiles, good news indeed.
One small step for Alfred, one big step for God!
I think my favourite niece is a lot cuter than that drawing :-) Glad you are "rediscovering" faith. It takes a lot of courage to move beyond one's hurt, and chose to take a step forward when it seems so much safer to stay in the fetal position. In fact, I think it takes a lot of courage to post your stories on the blog. Thanks for sharing! Bella
Alfred, I'm happy for you. As i read, my tears flooded my eyes. God surely has answered a lots of prayers. Keep it up. Proud of you.
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