Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In a split second...anything can happen

Today started out just like any other day. Got up, drove Anna to work, dropped Taylor off at school, went to the office.

Travelled to another meeting that ended early. Had 15 minutes to spare before I had to pick up Taylor from school. Decided to stop by Chapters to browse. Found out my favorite photography author had just came out with the newest volume of his book series. Cool. Bought it.

Picked up Taylor, as usual. Buckle her in the car, as usual. Gave her her after school snack, as usual.

We started talking as I drove to pick up Anna. About 10 minutes into the ride, I suddenly heard her cough, and then stopped talking.

I turned, her mouth was opened. She was staring at me, desperatelly trying to tell me something. But no words came out. I instinctly knew what was daughter was choking...

I slammed on the brakes, stopped the car in the middle of a busy street at the height of rush hour, jumped out of my seat and rushed to her aid. Thankfully, she managed to gag and spit out the food and breathe again. She was crying. She was so scared. I held tightly...."You are okay, are okay...."

I would live 1000 years and never forget that look in my daughter's eyes: Filled will fear, desperately reaching for me, wanting to say, "Daddy! HELP ME!!!" but not being able to speak or breathe...

I had gone through tough times before, but I will gladly endure everything 100 times over rather than ever seeing that look on her face again...

I guess what I am trying say is simply this. In a split second, anything can happen.

Whatever you have been dreaming to do, the things that you have been meaning to say, the love that you have been wanting to give....

What are you waiting for?

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