Wednesday, January 02, 2008

給跌倒過, 受傷過的傳道者




我不知道您事奉年日的長短﹐但我知道無論是一年﹐五年﹐十年﹐或二十年﹐您曾經為了教會把自己100%﹐毫無保留﹐從無怨言﹐徹徹底底地付出。 一日復一日﹐一年又一年...





“出事”後﹐聽過一些令自己十分難受的說話。 每晚夜瀾人靜時﹐經常在腦海中重複地聽到這些話。每“重播”一次﹐心中就痛一次。您也是這樣嗎﹖

後來﹐慢慢的想通了﹕自己受傷﹐並不等於人家蓄意中傷自己。 大家處理這種事情都缺乏經驗﹐而感到束手無策。無意中失言﹐也是在所難免。 再加上有時“言者雖無心﹔聽者則有意”。 誤會就由此產生了。您和我可能都有這共通之處﹕在您我身邊﹐“有職在身”要處理事情的人其實都是關心我們的。只不過除了“在私”對我們有關心﹐他們覺得“在公”﹐他們對教會﹐機構﹐組織...要有“交代”。我們可能不認同他們處事的“手法”﹐但我相信他們絕對是無心傷害我們的。 朋友﹐算了吧。不要再把這些事放在心裡。釋放他們﹐也釋放自己吧。


朋友﹐黑夜終於都會過去。黎明﹐很快就到。不要放棄...hang on....


答應我。不要做任何傷害自己的事。 千萬不要。我自己有想過。我知道您一定也有。 相信我﹐您和我的戲﹐最精彩的劇情還未上演。那裡會有人這麼笨﹐付錢看戲﹐未到高潮就離座回家﹖您這麼聰明﹐您一定會明白這道理...

最近時常想起“真阿Lam"的一首舊歌。下面把歌詞寫下與您分享互勉。 記住﹐我們都是同路人。少了您﹐這條路就會變得更孤單。咬緊牙關﹐提起精神﹐前面還有很多事情等著我們去做呢!




幸运不希罕 热泪不轻淌 愿做真正既硬汉


Anonymous said...

Dear Alfred,

No matter what, I believe you, I believe the spirit behind you. I believe we won't let Him down. He is here, in His time, in His place and in His teaching.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor...
You will always be my pastor... my example...
So, don't give up, because I know God will never give up on you.
Will keep praying for you and your family...

Anonymous said...


Who can heal us?

I know HE did on me, and HE is and HE will, for HE LOVES US, wounded pastors, so much!

See you today!

Bill said...

Dear Alfred,
A war is not over until it is over. Let's fight this battle together.
I hurt when you hurt even not to the same degree. There is no way I can comprehend what you have went through but I can tell you that I don't feel good at all when I know you are hurting.
I rejoice today when I read what you wrote because I saw a light shining through the darkness, it is not dawn yet but at least I saw a glimpse of light.
The past is unchangable, don't let the unchangable past stop us in creating the changable future.
Let's keep moving on.

Your brother and member of the same body.

Bill said...

Dear Alfred,

I send you e-mails but you didn't reply, that is OK.

I read the lyrics of the song that you quoted and it touches my heart, it is so real. Thanks.

Your brother and member of the same body

阿Lam - A Messenger said...

Hi Bill

Thanks for your words of encouragement...sorry about delay in replying your email...reply sent.

Anonymous said...

Dear Alfred,
I have hope in you and I knew we will meet again, not just in the coffee shop, not just in heaven but also in the battle field.
Thanks for your e-mail reply, I treasure it so much.
I read your posting once again, did you see what you have written? I can see hope, not just hope but a lot of hope.
Yes, we need to be responsible for what happened but it is not infinite. The only thing that is infinite and eternal is love, isn't that what we read from 1 Corinthians?
I have learned to be more passionate and understanding after my own fall.
I have learned to be more dependent and humble after my own failure.
It is bad that we fell, it is worse that we refuse to stand up once again.
Yesterday, I went throught the bookstore's testimony session and I found that most of people or authors are sharing what they or others have done well, how much we need someone to share how they fell and how they recover. This is something that is extremely lacking in our community (church).
I respect those who admit their mistakes, I respect even more those who recovered from their mistakes and move on. I know you are doing that and I am so thankful.

Your brother and member of the same body.