Friday, February 15, 2008

just walk on...

Today marked the last day of work for the retiring Executive Director of our organization. I have had the privilege of 'shadowing' her for the last 2 weeks, trying to learn everything about the job as her successor. She is one of the most kind hearted, good natured, capable and competent person I have ever met. I only regretted not having the opportunity to meet her sooner.

Anyways, the day was busy as she tried to wrap everything up before she goes, and leaving me with final instructions. As the clock winded down, the time finally came for her to leave. 10 years on the job, and it came down to the final moment. She simply handed her keys back, gave everyone a hug and some kind words and walked out with a glorious smile on her face. Talking to her these past couple of weeks, she had often talked about how much she is looking forward to the next chapter of her life. She wants to write, travel, volunteer and take on new challenges. What an admirable attitude!

As I watched her walked out with the late afternoon Sun on her face, I realized this is how life works. It doesn't matter how long you have been at one place: 5 years, 10 years, 20 years; there always come that moment when it's time to walk on...

After I walked her out, I went back to my desk and wept...I thought back to the day when I walked away after 17 years. As I did, all the anger and bitterness came flooding back like a tidal wave...and then I thought about our retiring Executive Director and her example. And I realize that's what I have to do. Just walk on. Keeping walking. Don't look back. Look! the afternoon Sun is beginning to set. It felt like it's been forever since the last time I saw the Sun. It's almost 5, which means I will see my little girl soon as I pick her up from school. I can't wait.

I've got to go. I have more important things waiting for me to do...


chiquitawonder said...

Keep walking Alfred! The sun will shine. Your presence and help was sunshine for my client this week - I got her hooked up. I am hoping for good news and will let you know if it happens. There is always time for new beginnings and new joy. Keep walking!

Anonymous said...

maybe you should look back, to see where you went wrong, so you can be careful not to do it again

阿Lam - A Messenger said...

believe me, there are plenty of things i will not do again

阿Li亞度 said...

I do admire your retiring Executive Director. The important thing is, she walk on with no anger and bitterness (as you described). She enjoys her time there and the life in front of her. I believe she will look back sometimes. For the past 10 years, she must have some good times and bad times there.

Looking back is not necessarily a bad thing. There must be some good times for you in the past 17 years. I thought we do have some good times together, right? :)

Take care and good luck!
Say hi to your little girl for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alfred,

I totally agree what Ah Li said. Are you really sure you didn't have good time in your past 17 years? You should look back and reflect what you went wrong. But the past is past, keep looking forward.

Anonymous said...

I'm probably the most unlikely person to offer positive glimpses of "church", but I ran across this blog today, and thought I would pass it along (it's written by a self-professing Buddhist):

Bad Buddhist Blog

Janet said...
I'm very proud of you, Alfred. Keep on walking.